Virginie Ducatillon, Adapta's Founder

Our Mission

Adapta's mission is to fight against waste and overproduction of materials.

Aware of the ecological challenges facing the fashion industry, Adapta is rethinking the reuse of the most noble materials. This sustainable sourcing solution finds for brands and designers, top-of-the-range leathers and fabrics that are lying dormant in the wharehouses of luxury houses and their suppliers. Adapta is a label guaranteeing the quality and traceability of materials. 

And it's a win-win situation. Suppliers  reinvent the way they manage their stock, while being reassured about the treacability of their products. Brands and designers use these beautiful materials that they could not access to, due to insufficient volume or budget. Adapta is the intermediary between luxury suppliers and brands. This relationship is built on trust and transparency.

And it's a win-win situation. Suppliers reinvent the way they manage their stock, while being reassured about the traceability of their products. Brands and designers use these beautiful materials that they could not access to, due to insufficient volume or budget. Adapta is the intermediary between luxury suppliers and brands. This relationship is built on trust and transparency.


Discover our Fabrics



For fashion, interior design, or lifestyle creators and brands, Adapta provides a pragmatic solution for textile and leather sourcing.

  • Jusqu’à 400 m2 et 3000 mL disponibles par coloris mais sans minimum de commande
  • Un prix accessible, 30 à 70% moins cher que le marché
  • Des matières stockées en Europe
  • Une livraison en France et en Europe entre 2 et 6 semaines
  • Transparence et traçabilité des matières (producteur de matières, spécificités techniques des cuirs et textiles)
  • Une sélection pointue, de cuir et textile haut de gamme, réalisée avec un check qualité

  • Une grande variété de matières stockées en Europe : cuir lisse, embossé, foulonné mais aussi lin, soie.

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Our impact

Our expertise lies in supporting brands with established production processes in their CSR approach to upcycling. Integrating upcycling into a process involves changes (production timing, material-driven creativity). Adapta assists brands in implementing these changes.

Through our solution, our customers use materials that are already produced and refrain from initiating new production. This allows them to reduce their resource consumption and CO2 emissions, thereby improving their environmental impact.

In total, thanks to our activity and the trust of our clients

L’utilisation de plus de 1 million L d’eau a été économisée 

Près de 30 tonnes de cuirs ont été réemployés 

L’émission de 90 tonnes de CO2 a été évitée

To learn more about Adapta and the ecosystem of eco-friendly fashion and decor, feel free to visit our blog.

Our Manifesto

Use what already exists

Dans une démarche d’économie circulaire, l’idée est d’utiliser des matières immobilisées dans des stocks dormants afin d’éviter le gaspillage et la surproduction. Nous ne lançons pas de nouvelle production. De cette contrainte nait la créativité !

Reconcile sustainability and desirability

Combining today's ecological challenges with desirability and creativity is now possible. In the future, optimal use of resources will guide inventory management.   

Enhance the value of the fashion industry

Indicating the origin of materials honors the craftsmanship of artisans, breeders, farmers, weavers, and leather tanners who manufacture or enhance the finest skins and fabrics.

Scaling a manual process

Rethink the sourcing of materials and the value chain of luxury and creative companies is a priority. Help brands adopt a more circular and sustainable approach is what drives us everyday.


        You are a leather or textile supplier and would like to sell your stock :  

Contact us

They trust us

Over 500 fashion and decoration professionals (artisans, creators, brands) contribute to our mission!

Discover testimonials from some of our clients:

Client Testimonials